Sold out in all 7 cities on his first Asia tour! We delve into the enigmatic Japanese male singer Eve, known worldwide for his hit “Kaikai Kitan,” the opening theme song of the TV anime Jujutsu Kaisen

- Redaktur

Rabu, 4 September 2024 - 04:07 WIB

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The Japanese male singer, Eve, successfully completed his first Asia tour, “Culture,” in seven cities. The tour was held in Hong Kong, Seoul, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Jakarta, Taipei, and Tokyo, and tickets for all performances were sold out, indicating the high anticipation among local fans. Eve is known for his unique musical style and has captivated fans both in Japan and abroad.

He has worked on opening and ending theme songs for well-known anime titles recognized by any anime fans including the opening theme song “Kaikai Kitan” for the first season of the TV anime Jujutsu Kaisen, the opening theme song “Bokurano” for the sixth season of the TV anime My Hero Academia, and the ending theme song “FightSong” for the TV anime Chainsaw Man. His unique musical style continues to captivate fans both in Japan and abroad.

Who is the mysterious figure known as Eve?

Eve’s charm lies in his versatile talents. He began his career as a singer and Vocaloid producer on Nico Nico Douga and YouTube in 2009, and made his major debut in 2019 with the album “Otogi.” Eve writes and composes his own music, has a reassuring singing voice, and creates music videos with beautiful visual narratives that resemble an animated film. Additionally, he captivates fans with his multifaceted talents, such as managing his own fashion brand, “Harapeco Store”.

Among anime fans in particular, his songs have become indispensable for discussing anime. The opening theme song “Kaikai Kitan” for the first season of the TV anime Jujutsu Kaisen is a huge hit, with its music video on YouTube reaching 370 million views.

“Kaikai Kitan” (Opening theme song for the first season of the TV anime Jujutsu Kaisen):

“Bokurano”(Opening theme song for the 6th season of the TV anime My Hero Academia):

“FightSong”(Ending theme song for TV anime Chainsaw Man):

First Asia Tour: All 7 Shows Sold Out

Eve, who has captivated fans with his performances, kicked off his first Asia tour, “Culture,” in May 2024. The tour was a hit with fans eagerly anticipating his live shows. Each of the seven cities featured special video content with localized lyrics and MCs speaking in the local language, which thrilled fans and filled the venues with enthusiastic cheers.

​​Photo spots with the key visual of “Culture” were set up at each venue, creating long lines of fans eager to take commemorative photos before and after the shows.

Prominently chosen as the Opening Theme Song for the New Anime “Shoshimin: How to Become Ordinary”

Following the tour, Eve’s momentum continued with the release of his new song “Sweet Memory” on July 7. This song has been chosen as the opening theme for the anime adaptation of the mystery series “Shoshimin: How to Become Ordinary” by Naoki Prize-winning author Honobu Yonezawa, known for “Hyouka.”

TV Anime “Shoshimin: How to Become Ordinary” Non-Credit Opening Video | Eve “Sweet Memory”

Kicking off with his first Asia tour “Culture,” Eve is further expanding his international presence. Additionally, an extra show titled “Eve Asia Tour 2024 Additional LIVE ‘Culture’ IN SEOUL” has been confirmed for two days in Seoul, South Korea.

Following the Asia tour “Culture,” the next chapter of his career is anticipated to bring even more musical innovation and captivating performances. Eve’s future activities are definitely worth watching.

<Eve information>

Eve social media






New song: “Sweet Memory” (Opening theme song for TV anime “Shoshimin: How to Become Ordinary)

This press release has also been published on VRITIMES

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